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Eat the Cupboard: Spring Turkey Vegetable Stew

Spring may be nearing, but we still have a while for the weather to warm up. So while we wait for the ground to thaw, how about we warm up with some comforting stew?

Unlike a traditional stew, which is heavy in starches and is swimming in cream, which creates a sleepy sensation, this one has spices that help increase blood circulation and are lighter on carbohydrates. This stew will be a great transitional staple to get you to those warmer days!

Prepare a big pot of this delicious stew, take in the flavors, and start dreaming of all the Spring and Summer adventures. I know I can't wait for outdoor adventures with my furry kids!

Spring Turkey Vegetable Stew

Time: 30 minutes Servings: 3 Cost per serving: $2.04 or $4.04*


One medium yam, diced

One large zucchini, diced

One bell pepper, diced

Three garlic cloves minced

450g of ground turkey

3 tablespoon of olive oil

75ml chicken gravy ( or chicken broth concentrate)

Two cups of water

2 tablespoon cream

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1/2 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp crushed pepper flakes


  1. Turn the oven on to 350 F. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, coat the diced yam with two tablespoons of olive oil, smoked paprika, and ground black pepper.

  2. Place the yams in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until soft.

  3. While the yams bake, on the stovetop in a big pot, turn the element on medium heat. Warm up one tablespoon of olive oil and coat the bottom.

  4. Add in the garlic and crushed pepper flakes. Stir for a few minutes until aromatic. Place the ground turkey into the pot, stir, and break up the meat to the desired size.

  5. Once the meat is no longer pink, transfer it into a bowl.

  6. Put the zucchini into the pot. Stir occasionally until the zucchini is translucent.

  7. Add the pepper to the pot, stir, and cook for a few minutes.

  8. In a measuring cup, whisk in the chicken gravy and water (or the chicken broth concentrate and water) until blended. Add to the pot.

  9. Add the yams to the pot with the vegetables.

  10. Pour in the cream, if desired, then the turkey. Stir to combine, allow to cool, then dish up!

From the Cupboard: Garlic, olive oil, ground black pepper, smoked paprika, and crushed chili flakes.

From the Fridge: Chicken gravy (or chicken broth concentrate), and cream.

From the Store: Ground turkey

*Free from Work: Yam, zucchini, and bell pepper.

*Cost per Serving, Explained:

If you have been following along and noticing my cost breakdown, your probably wondering why I have two dollar values this time. Allow me to explain. I am fortunate enough to work at a health foods store, so like any job, there are perks to the business.

Often, produce items get blemishes from being dropped or get mold spots. These beautiful fruits and vegetables become "undesirable" to our customers and then tossed away. Before they go to the industrial compost facilities, they get a second chance, and this week I rescued them and brought home a zucchini, pepper, and yam for this tasty dish!

I know many of my readers don't work at a health foods store, but if you are in BC, you can often get discounted produce from Kins Market for bumped-up items or very ripe items for just a few dollars! If you are quick enough to prepare or preserve the food, you have nothing to lose and everything to save!

The $2.04 cost is due to the free vegetables from work.

The $4.04 is the estimated price of each vegetable at a discount ($2 each).

Do you have any tricks to cut down on waste and cost? How are you all doing with the rising cost of food?

Are there any cold-weather comfort meals you enjoy?

Let me know in the comment section!

Until next time, stay well.


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